Our mission is to bring the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ to the Golden Land of Myanmar.

We pray for and financially help to send passionate, dedicated national Christian workers to win the lost of their desperate country at any cost.

These selfless servants of Christ labor tirelessly among the unreached and spiritually blind to evangelize, disciple and meet practical needs of their own people.

GFM seeks to inform and challenge believers in Jesus Christ worldwide to prayerfully and financially assist to fulfill this mission.

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The Need

This war in Myanmar has caused unimaginable suffering to the country. Since the violent military coup in 2021, the country is on the brink of financial collapse.

Millions of Burmese people have had their homes and communities burned, bombed and destroyed, and many have been killed by the violence.

Operation World reports that 80% of the country’s 55 million people are Buddhists, and 40% has not yet been reached with the Good News.

In these desperate times, they need salvation that can only come through Jesus Christ!

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IDP women and children in jungle

What We Do

Gospel for Myanmar seeks to fervently pray for and financially assist devoted national Christian workers to win the lost souls of their country, and to encourage the Body of Christ worldwide to assist prayerfully, financially, and practically to fulfill this mission.

Gospel for Myanmar is working with a well-established Christian mission in Myanmar that has been winning souls and making disciples for over 40 years. In that time, more than 350 churches have been planted, and thousands of people have been trained in Bible school and thrust out into the harvest field to plant churches.

By the grace of God and through the commitment of these sold-out believers, thousands of lives have been saved from hell by Jesus and now worship the true Living God.

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