The precious people of Myanmar have faced incomprehensible suffering from the war in the country.
Homes and villages have been violently burned or bombed. Survivors have been forced to flee from their homes and villages into dangerous jungles with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
They have no place to sleep, no school for their children, no access to medical care, no job, and no way to provide even basic rice for their families since the cost has tripled since the coup.

A Village is Saved!
Nellie was a graduate of the Bible School run by our field partners. She and another lady missionary went to an unreached village in Myanmar. As they entered the village, they were struck by the physical illness that was widespread throughout the village. Remaining committed, they began to preach about Jesus and pray for the sick. But a violent group of anti-Christians came upon them, beat them, and threw them out of the village.
Confused, beaten, and dejected, they walked out of the village. When the discouragement was more than Nellie and her companion could bear, they sank to their knees and cried out to the Lord Jesus, weeping bitterly and praying.
While they wept and prayed, a man traveling on the path toward the village stopped to ask them why they wept. Nellie told him that they believed Jesus had asked them to go to that particular village to tell the people about His love, but they were beaten and thrown out of the village.
The man then told them he was the leader of that village and they could accompany him there, and he would gather the whole village together so that they could share. They went back, shared the Gospel, and spent many days there praying for the sick. Jesus saved and healed many of the villagers!
This is just one testimony of the many hundreds God has brought about for his glory in Myanmar.

Hope for the Helpless
Pastor TT learned about a group of desperate people who were internally displaced when the war in the country destroyed their village. They lost everything. Approximately 150 men, women, and children were living under a tree in the middle of a field.
This was their only form of shelter from the sweltering or the monsoon rains.
Deeply impacted by their living situation, Bishop NoChhum and Pastor TT, along with others from the Bible College they operate, purchased a plot of land and built about a dozen thatched-walled structures with sturdy tin roofs for the villagers.
Out of their meager income, our partners hired a teacher to teach the children. They faithfully shared the gospel in word and deed, and many of the villages turned to Jesus as Savior and Lord. A church was constructed in the center of this new village, and the people there listened to the teaching of God’s Word with a glow and joy, which was miraculous given their very desperate stories.
By God’s grace and with your prayer and financial support, Gospel of Myanmar hopes to help more suffering families like this.
Impact of ministry’s work so far
Despite the difficulties throughout Myanmar, by the grace of God, a glorious harvest continues.
So far, national missionaries have planted about 350 churches and another 50 mission stations. Many camps have been set up to care for the Internally Displaced Camps (IDP).
Additionally, the 2024 Bible College graduated 204 students. Our field partners established a K-12 school for the children with 40 volunteer teachers, a critical need since many schools have been forced to close, and Buddhist schools remain the only option in many places.
By God’s grace and with His help, we hope to support more Gospel work like this to reach as many people for Christ as possible.

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